Changing my Workflow with Google Keep
Our focus question this week in CEP810 was, "How can I use technologies to make my life, as a teacher or educational professional, easier...
Creating Shapes with Tinkercad
5th Grade Math Standards: Iowa Core Math Standards Measurement and Data 5.MD.C.3 Recognize volume as an attribute of solid figures and...
Designing a 21st Century Classroom
“The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled” -Plutarch A classroom design impacts the learning experience for...
21st Century Lesson Plan with ThingLink
The internet provides students with access to an array of resources, websites, and information. Students need to be able to navigate this...
Maker Education Infographic
Maker Education is a student-centered approach to education that has its foundation in Constructivist Learning Theory. Students are given...
Assessing Makers Without Jeopardizing Creativity
Many people view assessment as a summative test that determines whether a student has passed or failed a class. In the twenty-first...
Schoology Offers Organizational Support for Learners with ADHD
Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a disorder that can adversely affect many areas of a person’s life. It is a common,...
Network Learning Project
Our task during the Network Learning Project is to learn something completely new using only YouTube videos and help forums. I picked...
Thrifting and 3D Printing with CEP811
I have never used a 3D printer before, but had access to one for this project. Instead of spending money on a Makey Makey, I decide to...
Expert Understanding: A Teacher's Perspective
Our very first assignment for the MAET program, from CEP 810, was to write a short essay summarizing our take-away from the first three...