Observational Learning
My son Rowan is beginning to mirror a lot of my and my husband’s behaviors. He is starting to wave “bye bye”, clap his hands, and shake...
Final Reflection: Learning in School and Other Settings
Module 6 Reflection How has the content of this course impacted you as a learner and as an educator? During this course, I have become...
Authentic Learning Requires Schools to Reimagine Learning
So far in Learning in School and Other Settings, Module 3 has resonated with me, and excited me the most. The ideas of providing students...
Habit Analysis
"Watch your thoughts, they become words; watch your words, they become actions; watch your actions, they become habits; watch your...
Developing Expertise
Module 2 Reflection: Expertise Learning in School and other Settings Module 2 centered around the subject of expertise. I learned that...
Benny Learns Rules, Rather than Sense
What was Benny learning? Benny was developing flawed math rules in his mind, rather than mathematical sense. This can be seen in the...
Technology as Tools
In my school, when teachers talk about technology, they limit the conversation to computers, ipads, or the Internet. They do not view it...
The Myth of Learning Styles
After viewing our learning style poll, I noticed that most of us identified as visual learners (72%). I have been asked this question...
Theory of Learning
Learning occurs during expert-novice, teacher-student, parent-child, and peer-peer interactions and results in the learner gaining more...
Habit Plan Final Reflection
My main goal for my habit plan was to get a better night’s sleep. I identified three things I could begin doing that would help me to...