The Future Thrives on Innovation
Many structural features about our current education system limit student creativity. Ken Robinson’s famous TED talk, Do Schools Kill...
Vodcast Project
I learned about fractions, renewable energy, and the food web. I learned that many of us constructed our videos in similar ways. It is...
The Internet Provides Connection to Students
Global partnership and global communication are what is needed in order to solve our global problems. As Cathy Davidson points out in her...
UDL and the Future of Learning
I found the “Future Learning” video very intriguing. What struck me the most was Sugata Mitra’s comment about how students can teach...
How do we bring kids into the future?
Don Tapsco explains in his TED talk that an open society stalls old systems and makes them irrelevant. The printing press gave us access...
There is no "one best way"
SCOT says that people give meaning to all types of tools and technologies and that the meaning and uses can change depending on how...
Observational Learning
My son Rowan is beginning to mirror a lot of my and my husband’s behaviors. He is starting to wave “bye bye”, clap his hands, and shake...
Final Reflection: Learning in School and Other Settings
Module 6 Reflection How has the content of this course impacted you as a learner and as an educator? During this course, I have become...
Authentic Learning Requires Schools to Reimagine Learning
So far in Learning in School and Other Settings, Module 3 has resonated with me, and excited me the most. The ideas of providing students...
Habit Analysis
"Watch your thoughts, they become words; watch your words, they become actions; watch your actions, they become habits; watch your...