Remix Video: CEP 811
To begin our CEP 811 course, we were given the challenge of creating a remix video. I began by spending hours playing with Camtasia Studio. I had trouble keeping organized when working with the multiple tracks, especially after splitting the audio and video. I soon learned to simplify continuously by deleting unneeded content. I tried to keep my work space to 5-6 tracks at a time.
The next task was to find the video content I wanted to use for my remix. I wanted to summarize my learning about remixing in 60 seconds. After watching Kirby Ferguson’s “Creativity is a Remix”, I knew I wanted to take the audio from his talk and find visuals to go along with it.
Allrecipes. (2010, December 6). Basic Knife Skills. Retrieved May 18, 2016, from
TED. (2012, August 11). Creativity is a Remix | Kirby Ferguson | TED Talks. Retreived May 18th, 2016, from
Explainity. (2013, July 11). Globalization easilty explained (explainity® explainer video). Retreived May 18, 2016, from
Bannerhomes. (2013, April 10). House Building Time Lapse | Kinsbrook | Brooks Green | West Sussex | January 2012 to April 2013. Retrieved May 18, 2016, from
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Braincraft. (2016, April 16). The Secret to Creativity. Retrieved May 18, 2016, from