Lesson 3
In lesson 3, you will...
Display Internet Manners
Learn ways to prevent cyber-bullying
Learn how to react to online bullies
Collaborate with classmates to create an Online Behavior Rule List.
How do I handle and prevent online bullying?
1. Stop! Don't post something that might be hurtful to someone.
2. Block the bully.
3. Tell a trusted adult.
First, we will learn about online manners. Watch one of the videos below. You can watch both, if you would like!
Next, we will learn about online bullying. Please watch one or both of the videos below.
As a class, we are going to play "Do you have ethical direction?"​
What does ethical mean? If someone is ethical, that means they know the difference between right and wrong, and are able to make the right decisions when faced with a difficult situation. Some situations are complex, and require thoughtful consideration.
For this activity, I will read a scenario. Your task is to use the ethical compass image below to determine where that action falls on your compass. If you would like to read along with me, you can open the document by clicking on the paper image.
We will discuss each scenario as a class, so we can see how our ethical decisions compare to our peers' decisions.
For your create assignment, you will work collaboratively with a group of peers to develop and write a technology agreement/contract in Google Docs. Have one person make a copy of this Google Doc, before sharing with all the members of the group. This will allow all group members to contribute to the document.
Consider all that you have learned during your lessons. Also consider the following questions:
1. What behaviors display responsible technology use?
2. What behaviors display respectful technology use?
3. What behaviors display safe technology use?
Below, you can view a previous technology contract to get ideas for your format. When all members are happy with the final document, and agree to all the statements, please share it with me.
Click on the document image below, then go to "file" and select "make a copy...". Share this copy with your group members.
Do you forget how to make a copy of a Google Document? Watch the instructional video again (see below).