Contact Me
If you have a question about the class, please do not hesitate to ask.
To the bottom right of your window, you will see a picture of me. If you click on this picture, you can begin a chat with me. Be prepared to enter in your email if I am not immediately available at that moment. Your typed message will be sent to my email, and I will respond back to you quickly.
You can also contact me by sending me an email me anytime using your school email. See the video below for instructions on how to send an email.
MY EMAIL ADDRESS: angela.ayrit@wacocsd.org
About Your Teacher
I'm Mrs. Ayrit. I teach 4/5/6th Grade at WACO Elementary School in Iowa. My favorite subjects are Social Studies and Art. I love teaching and learning with technology. I believe it is important for students to contribute to, and create for the world. It is never too early to start changing the world for the better. I believe technology provides students and teachers with new and exciting ways to learn, teach, and create!

Blended Learning and Course Expectations
Communication Policy
Students are expected to communicate with one another responsibly, respectfully, and safely.
Responsible Communication
Students will be timely in their responses to chats and emails. This means that replies will be given within 24 hours of receiving an email.
Students will be respectful in their interactions with one another. This means students will avoid blaming, shaming, name-calling, or online bullying. Conversations online or in-person should be positive and encouraging. We are here to learn with and from each other.
Students are to be safe in their communication. This means avoiding sharing personal information about themselves, or about others. Students are to only access sites that are teacher-approved. Students are to only communicate with class participants, or to individuals with a wacocsd.org email address.
Throughout the course, your teacher, Mrs. Ayrit will model this communication for students. You can expect to receive a respectful response from Mrs. Ayrit in a timely manner. Below, you can see an example of an appropriate use of your school email (asking your teacher a question). It is also a model of responsible, respectful and safe communication.

Blended learning combines face-to-face and online learning experiences. Students are expected to participate and communicate in both settings. Our lives are blended in the sense that we transition between in-person and online interactions with one another: personally and professionally. Students will work through the class lessons with access to teacher assistance throughout their learning. If a student is struggling with an aspect of the class, they are encouraged to ask questions, and get support from their peers and teacher.